Thursday, June 27, 2013

How to install sound on counter strike server Windows or Linux

How to add music on a Counter Strike 1.6 server
Methods of adding sounds in the Counter Strike server

Inserting musical sounds in the game can be done in different ways. One of them is to install the plug-in “roundsound” in case the server runs on AmxModX. This plug-in introduces some familiar sounds in the game, which I am sure you know. These ones are played at the end of the round. I am sure you get bored of them - half of them are rock, and the other half are arabesque sounds, the same sounds for years which I am bored of. You will learn now how to change that.
Another method would be to modify an already installed plug-in in the AmxModX. “Miscstats” is the plug-in I am talking about, which is very easy to modify. This way, you can introduce new tracks and sound than the ones pre-established, as long as they can be withstood by the Counter Strike client that you use. The sound files that can be used are the wav files.

Adding sounds by modifying miscstats plug-in

The steps that you have to take to introduce the musical sounds (and not only musical):
1. Search on the internet (or wherever you think) for wav files that match your desires. These are small sound files that will be played in the game. These files should be small - about 100Kb - in order to be withstood by the CS client, and in order to be easily downloaded by the player that connects to the server. You can try the wav files used for phone ring tones. You copy these files in HLDS\cstrike\sound\misc.
2. Modify the “miscstates” plug-in.
3. Install the “precache” plug-in. Very important!!! Without this plug-in, the sounds are impossible to be heard by the players. You will be the only one that hears these sounds because the others will not have them installed in the cstrike\sound\misc.
The most simple method of adding musical sound in the Counter Strike 1.6 server is to get the plug-in from here and to install it as it is. So, download it, unzipp it wherever on the disk and:
a. Copy the miscstats.amxx file in HLDS\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\plugins over the one that is already there.
b. Copy the files from the sound folder in HLDS\cstrike\sound\misc.
c. Install the precache plug-in in any other amxmodx plug-in (the amxx file should be copied in amxmodx\plugins, then the plug-in should be edited in amxmodx\configs\plugins.ini).
d. Copy the precache.txt text file in HLDS\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\configs. If you have correctly installed everything, then you should hear during the ga,e the following sounds:
- a short piece of Parazitii track at the beginning of the round
- you will hear the “impressive” sound for the last alive player of the team
- during the round, at some frags you will hear a piece of the track “dinpacate”
In order to install any piece of track that you desire (between the limits that are withstood by the CS client), you will have to know what it should be modified in the miscstats plug-in. After you have downloaded and unzipped, open the folder, and you will find the miscstats.sma file, that you should copy in HLDS\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\scriptings.
Open the sma and search for the line marked with (1) in the help page. (search carefully scrolling down; the plug-in is big enough and you should search carefully). Here you have the “firstblood” sound, that can be heard at the first frag of the round. If you want to replace it, write the name of a wav file that you desire.

Ex: from play_sound("misc/firstblood") - you can do
play_sound("misc/maneanasoala")- replace only the name of the wav file.

If you replace it, the “firstblood” sound would not hear anymore, in stead you will hear the sound that you put there.
Then, search for the line marked with (2) in the help page. Here you replace the “impressive” sound with the name of the wav file that you want to add. This will be the sound that will be heard in case of “ last man” - the last player standing.
Now, search for the line marked with (3) in the help page. Here you have the sound “dinpacate” that you can replace with whatever sound you want. This will be again a sound heard in the “last man” situation, a sound that will alternate with the other (impressive).
Then, search for the line marked with (4) in the help page. Here you have the sound that is heard at the beginning of the round “prepare to fight”, and under it you have a “parazitii” sound that you can replace with whatever sound you want - erase “parazitii” and write “mariaciobanu” or whatever wav you want. Do not replace the “prepare” sound.
For every added sound you should edit in the “precache” text file a line like this: sound\misc\sunet.wav.
When you finished done all the adding that you wanted, compile the sma (if you do not know, learn here how) and install the amxx file in the amxmodx\plugins, then edit it in amxmodx\configs\plugins.ini.
Copy the wav sounds in HLDS\cstrike\sound\misc - where HLDS is the main directory of the server.

Do not forget the b,c,d points up here!!
Important!!! The wav files should be smaller as possible to be heard. It is useless to add a whole track because it will not work.

Adding sound with the roundsound plug-in
Modifying the plug-in

If you want to use the roundsound plug-in, I will show you how it can be modified for you to be able to add whatever sound you want, and to avoid using the default sounds, that are old and boring. It is very simple, you do not have big deal to do. The plug-in has 6 pre-established wav sounds that can be replaced if you want. The sounds are:
-for the rounds won by ct: ctwinar2, ctwinar3, ctwinar4
-for the rounds won by tero: twinar, twinar2, twinar3
To replace them, you have to be careful to:

1.Copy the new wav sounds in HLDS\cstrike\sound\misc

They should be 6 in number and named as simple as it is possible. Three of them will be for the rounds won by ct, and the other three for those won by tero.

2.Download here the plug-in, and unzipp it.

In the main folder you will find the sma file. Open it and there you have some lines that should be modified like this:
case 0: client_cmd(0,"spk misc/twinnar")
case 1: client_cmd(0,"spk misc/twinnar2")
case 2: client_cmd(0,"spk misc/twinnar3")
case 0: client_cmd(0,"spk misc/ctwinnar2")
case 1: client_cmd(0,"spk misc/ctwinnar3")
case 2: client_cmd(0,"spk misc/ctwinnar4")
Here, you have to modify the names of the wav file. For example, for the rounds won by tero you want to put the sounds -manea1, house2 and lautareasca 3. You will change twinar, twinar2, and twinar3 with the sounds that you want, so you will have:
case 0: client_cmd(0,"spk misc/manea1")
case 1: client_cmd(0,"spk misc/house2")
case 2: client_cmd(0,"spk misc/lautareasca3")
The same with the sound corresponding to winning the round by the counters.
Down you will have some precache lines:
public plugin_precache()
The same, you will change here the pre-established sounds with the ones you want. This step is very important. If you do not write here the names of the wav files, you will be the only one that hears them during the game.

3.Compile the sma and install the plug-in.

You won’t have to install another precache plug-in for the roundsound plug-in, this being included!!!
I remind you: the wav files should be as small as possible!!!! It is advisable that they are under 100Kb, but it can be a little larger as well. Try the wav files used as phone ring tones (you will find thousands on the internet). The mp3 files are not supported by these two plug-ins.
Download here some wav files that can be used.
The roundsound plug-in (that can be downloaded here) can be used as it is, without any other modification.

Addon Maker

How to automatichaly create an addon

Addon Maker
The easiest way to make addons

This is the easiest way to make addons for your Counter Strike 1.6 server because it`s an automatic method of installation using the Counter Strike 1.6 Simple Addon Creator.
Download here the installer then unzipp it anywhere on disk. Double click the yellow icon (the exe file) and choose the installation folder wich will be HLDS (the main directory of your server). A blue window will be displayed presenting the options. There you choose wathever you want : AMX ModX, AdminMod, AMX ModX+AdminMod+Statsme, etc. So you check one of the options typing the coresponding case (the case should be minor) and then hit ENTER.

In order to add bots to your Counter Strike 1.6 dedicated server you will have to do this :

1. Download here the podbot arhive and unzippe it.
2. Copy the podbot folder into HLDS\cstrike\addons - HLDS is the main directory of your server .
3. Open HLDS\cstrike\addons\metamod\plugins.ini and add this line under those who already are there :
win 32 addons\podbot\podbot_mm.dll
If you want to change bots number open HLDS\cstrike\addons\podbot\podbot.cfg and edit the lines:
pb_minbots 3
pb_maxbots 12
One of the Podbot problems is the lack of bot waypoints for new, custom maps. So, we provide you a little help on that. Is an colection of more then 2000 map waypoints for CS 1.6 Podbot. Download Counter Strike 1.6 Podbot waypoints here. Double click the exe and chose the server`s main directory as installation folder.
Optional, you can download and install Amx Podbotmenu if your server is running Amx Mod X. This plugin will add a menu for bots and some commands. Commands for this plugin:
amx_pbmenu - invokes the main menu for podbot mm - do anything to your bots from it (most important command)
amx_pbaddbot - just add a randome bot to your server
amx_pbcmmenu - choose model of the bot your adding
amx_pbcpmenu - choose personality of the bot your adding
amx_pbcsmenu - choose skill of the bot your adding
amx_pbctmenu - choose team of the bot your adding
amx_pbkbmenu - menu to kick the bots
amx_pbwmmenu - weapon mode menu for all bots

Anti CS Dos Tutorial

Anti CS Dos Tutorial

Anti crush solution for Counter Strike 1.6 servers

I`m sure it happened to you many times. Suddenly the server is blocking and in the top right corner of your screen a message displayes :
WARNING Connection Problems
You are asking yourserf : what was that? it`s got to be the internet connection !...No, it has nothing to do with the internet connection. You`ve just been the victim of a little "attack". There is a program that can crush your server from the distance. The program is available on the internet, anyone can download it and when someone gets angry with you on your server (he gets kicked or banned or something like this) he just exit your server and crushes it. This program is called CSDos. But as every issue has a solution the anti CSDos was developed. It is a program called AntiCSDos and makes the CSDos inefficient if it is used proprely.
Download here AntiCSDos.rar, unzipp it anywhere on disk and install it like any other program by double clicking the executable, etc...Usage:
1. Start your CS 1.6 dedicated server.
2. Start the AntiCSDos by double clicking the executable.
3. This is the most important step : press Patch HLDS ! Without this step yor server is not protected.
After you patched HLDS you can turn off the AntiCSDos. The protection is still active if you patchedv HLDS !
The dynamic ip users will have to patche HLDS on every ip change. Otherwise your server won`t be protected. Start the AntiCSDos and patche HLDS once a day and your server will not be blocked.

How to make clients to download your server`s files faster

Fast download tutorial
How to make clients to download your server`s files faster

It frequently happens that your clients have no patience to download the files of your server (sounds, maps, models and others) and they disconnect. As a result your server is always empty. Now we have a solution to this problem.
You will have to install a web server. First, download WampServer2 here and install it. Double click the executable and follow the installation steps. You will be asked if you want to make a desktop shortcut and a quick lunch icon. Chose both of them. The installer will install the server in your C partition in a directory called wamp.
Start the web server using the Shortcut and then look for a small icon in your Taskbar. Click on it and chose Start all services and then Put Online (if it gives you an error when you click Put Online, it means that your server already is online).

Now you can acces your web server in browser ( Mozilla, Internet Explorer, Opera, Netscape) typing http://your ip (ex: – no port).
If your ip is dynamic, the solution is to create a DNS address on ad to keep it updated.
In this case you will access the web server using : .

Steps to set up the fast download

1. Start the server
2. Click Start all Services and Put Online ( if the server is not already online).
3. In the Taskbar menu click and the www folder will open. This is the main directory of your web server.
Create in this directory a new folder ( you can call it csfiles, or cs or anyhow).
4. Go to HLDS\cstrike folder of your counter strike server and copy from there the folders : sound, maps, models, sprites, gfx (you can copy the other ones too).
5. Paste those folders in the csfiles folder of your web server.
6. Open HLDS\cstrike\server.cfg and edit a line like this :
sv_downloadurl "http://your ip/csfiles/ 
sv_downloadurl "http://your dns/csfiles (make sure that the dns address is upadated)
Now you can open the Counter Strike server. Your clients will download the sounds, the maps or the models in a matter of seconds and you won`t be losing any client because of that.
Warning ! Run the web server when your counter strike server is online.
Update the DNS address if your ip changes.

16 steps How to reduce the lag on the server!

- Step 1 - The firs step is that the server has "Realtime" priority.
Start the server, press CTRl + Alt + Del, click Processes, find hlds.exe in the list, and right click on it, Set Priority - Realtime.
- Step 2 - The second step is:
- Go o the hlds.exe folder (from where you have opened the server), make a shortcut to the hlds.exe, then you will find in the same folder another file "Shortcut to hlds". Right click on this one, press Proprieties, and in the first raw you have Target, and there yo have something like HDD:\location\hlds.exe .
Now add -console -game cstrike -pingboost 3 +sys_ticrate 1000 +heapsize 250000 +maxplayers 20 +map de_nuke.
- Step 3 - the third step is to install HL Booster

- Step 4 - Step 4 is for more quick change of the map:
- Enter the cstrike folder, where you have the installed the server , find the custom.hpk file and remove it for good.
- Step 5 - Can be used as a script for rates:
alias "dslow" "sv_minrate 2500;sv_maxrate 2500;sv_minupdaterate 5;sv_maxupdaterate 5;echo dead slow"
alias "vslow" "sv_minrate 3500;sv_maxrate 3500;sv_minupdaterate 13;sv_maxupdaterate 13;echo very slow"
alias "slow" "sv_minrate 3500;sv_maxrate 5000;sv_minupdaterate 14;sv_maxupdaterate 14;echo slow"
alias "norm" "sv_minrate 3500;sv_maxrate 7500;sv_minupdaterate 15;sv_maxupdaterate 15;echo normal"
alias "fast" "sv_minrate 3500;sv_maxrate 9999;sv_minupdaterate 20;sv_maxupdaterate 20;echo fast"
alias "vfast" "sv_minrate 3500;sv_maxrate 20000;sv_minupdaterate 20;sv_maxupdaterate 60;echo LAN fast"
alias "rates" "sv_minrate;sv_maxrate;sv_minupdaterate;sv_maxupdaterate"
Add the file server.cfg to the script, in the cstrike folder where you have installed the server.
Usage: After you have started the server, write in the console what setting you want, considering the type of internet connexion you have, and also considering the type of computer that you keep the server on. For exemple, if you have a server on lan, write in the console vfast, or if you have a server where you have players in the same network you can use fast or norm. You can acces this script by "rcon" considering the variation of the lag on the server. you should not have any setting about the rate in server.cfg, listenserver.cfg, game.cfg, settings.cfg, amx.cfg etc.
- Step 6 - It refers to some setings that you should add on the server.
- You have the following settings:
log off
sv_logbans 0
sv_logecho 0
sv_logfile 0
sv_log_onefile 0
mp_logmessages 0
mp_logdetail 0
sv_unlag 1
sv_maxunlag .1
fps_max 600
You shoul add these settings in server.cfg .
- Step 7 - It refers to some settings that you should use considering the type of internet connexion you have.
// Modem 56k //
rate 5000
sv_rate 5500
sv_cmdrate 40
sv_cmdbackup 2
sv_updaterate 45
mp_resend 2
sv_dlmax 40
mp_decals 50
// 128k //
rate 10000
sv_rate 10000
sv_cmdrate 60
sv_cmdbackup 3
mp_updaterate 60
sv_resend 2
sv_dlmax 100
mp_decals 100
// 256k //
rate 12000
sv_rate 12000
sv_cmdrate 101
sv_cmdbackup 4
sv_updaterate 101
sv_resend 3
mp_dlmax 256
mp_decals 100
// 512k //
rate 15000
sv_rate 15000
sv_cmdrate 80
sv_cmdbackup 4
mp_updaterate 45
sv_resend 3
mp_dlmax 400
mp_decals 100
// 1024k //
rate 20000
sv_rate 20000
sv_cmdrate 80
sv_cmdbackup 6
mp_updaterate 80
sv_resend 6
mp_dlmax 800
mp_decals 300
// 2048K //
rate 25000
sv_rate 25000
sv_cmdrate 101
sv_cmdbackup 6
sv_updaterate 101
sv_resend 6
// DSL High //
rate "12001.000521"
sv_rate "9999"
sv_latency "-21.000521"
sv_updaterate "160"
sv_cmdrate "40"
mp_resend "2"
mp_cmdbackup "2"
sv_dlmax "768"
ex_interp "0.01"
ex_extrapmax "10"
// DSL Low //
rate "9001.000521"
sv_rate "9999"
mp_latency "-51.000521"
mp_updaterate "67"
sv_cmdrate "40"
sv_resend "2.5"
mp_cmdbackup "51"
mp_dlmax "512"
ex_interp "0.05"
ex_extrapmax "4"
cl_dlmax 800
mp_decals 300
// qDSL //
rate "15001.000521"
cl_rate "9999"
cl_latency "-16.000521"
cl_updaterate "101"
cl_cmdrate "400"
cl_resend "1.5"
cl_cmdbackup "2"
cl_dlmax "1024"
ex_interp "0.01"
ex_extrapmax "10"
You should add these settings in server.cfg, but not all of them. Add only the ones you think you need!!!
- Step 8.
In step 8 you will learn some Windows settngs:
- Right click on My Computer, press Properties, click up on the Advanced, and in Performance, click Settings and do like in the image below:
- Step 9 - About the optimization of some processes, and how to disable the unuseful ones.
- Press the Start button, click Run... and write regedit, then press [+] from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, than press [+] from SYSTEM, then press [+] from CurrentControlSet, then [+] from Control, than press [+] from Session Manager and then press on Memory Management. In the right you will have a list with some registers.
Double click DisablePagingExecutive and at Value data change the 0 with 1.
- In order to stop the unusefull processes:
Press Start, clik Run and write msconfig. A window will apear, click on Services and click the ones you do not need. Also, press Startup and click on those you think you do not need.

- Step 10 -
- Click on Start, press Run... and then write gpedit.msc. Under Computer Configuration press the [+] from Network, and then press QoS Packet Scheduler and you will have a lst in the right, where you can make some settings. Double click on Liit reservable bandwith, then mark Enabled and change rom 20% to 0% at the Bandwith limit. Then click Apply and OK.
- Step 11-
- Right click on the Desktop - Properties - Apperance - Effects. In this window, only the raw Hide underlined letters... should be marked.
-Step 12 -
- Click Start - Run and write Sigverifexe. Then press Start.
- Stept 13 - 
- Go to Control Panel and then Administrative Tools - Services. Right click - stop on the following:
Application Management
Error Reporting
Distributed Link Tracking Client
Help and Support
Remote Registry Service
Windows Time
WMI Performance Adapter
- Step 14 -
- Go to Start - Run and write regedit. Then go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM -> CurrentControlSet -> Control -> Session Manager -> Memory Management -> PrefetchParameters. Then enter the EnabePrefetcher and set the value 3. 
-Step 15 -
- Enter Start - Run and write regedit. Then go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SYSTEM -> CurrentControlSet -> Control -> PriorityControl. In the right press New - DWORD Value. Write IRQ8Priority. Then press Modify and put the value 1. 
- Step 16 -
- Use the "TCP Optimizer" software in order to optimize the internet. It is a good software that I tested.
CAUTION! It is not mandatory to follow all the steps, follow only the ones you think you need.
I do not assume any risk in case you damage your pc or your server, even though I know that nothing can happen. But you can modify by mistake other things an you can blame me.
I will keep you informed with the new changes and I will add new steps. If you want to upload this guide to your own web site, first send me an email to check if I agree.

How to make an image motd for your Counter Strike 1.6 server

You can set up an image MOTD (the picture that shows before connecting to a server) using one of the following methods:
  • Writing the text directly to the picture, uploading it on a file hosting server and inserting the URL into one piece of html code.
  • Inserting the text into the html code.

First method – writing on a picture

Chose a picture here or any other. If you chose to use your own picture you will have to resize it first. Download here, Paint Net photo editor. Install it , open it and in the upper left corner you will find File -> Open . Chose the picture from your computer and open it. In order to resize it click Image -> Resize . Check “By absolute size”, uncheck "Maintain aspect ratio" and write the following sizes :
    • widith : 766
    • height: 383
    You have your picture sized and ready for your motd. Now you`ll have to write the text. In order to do that open the Tools and Colors (if they are not already opened, click Windows menu and open it there). In the Tools menu you`ll find the writing tool represented by the letter “A”. Chose the color of your text in Colors menu and write the text on your picture. Save the image when you are done ( File -> Save , name it and save it as gif, jpg, png or bmp).

Uploading the picture on a file hosting server and inserting the url into the html code

In order to do that follow this link and make an account there. Upload the picture to your account, click Files -> Main folder (see the image) . You`ll see a small thumbnail of your picture. Click on it and the picture will open. In the upper left corner of it you`ll see the needed URL address wich you`ll have to copy (see the image).
Copy that URL into this piece of html code :
What you need to change in this code is :
This code you`ll have to copy into HLDS\cstrike\motd.txt after you deleted the code that is already there. Save and close motd.txt.
If you chose to use one of our pictures you will not have to upload it to a file hosting site. The pictures are hosted by us. Just copy into the code above this url :
Replace “image.jpg” with the name of the picture you have chosen.
Warning ! Never forget to write the pictures extension (jpg, gif), otherwise the image won`t show.
The picture will fit exactly into the game window !

AmxModX Plugin`s compilation

In order to modify a plugin (for example the maxping of the highpingkicker) you will have to edit the modification in the sma file and then compile the sma. So, if you want to change the value of highpingkicker maxping , go to HLDS\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\scripting ( HLDS is the main directory of your server) and open the hpk.sma (or whatever the name it is) and edit maxping 150 or 200 or whatever , then save and close . Now you`ll have to compile it . How you do that… Drag and drop the sma file over the compile.exe icon ( the blue one - attention ! there are two blue icons, you will chose the one called “compile”) into the scripting folder . A black window will appear showing the derulation of the compiling process. When it`s done it will display “Compilation Done”. Now you will have to look into the “scripting” folder for a subfolder called “compiled”. Open it , and there you`ll find the compiled “.amxx” file of your plugin ( in our case the hpk.amxx) . This file you`ll have to copy into HLDS\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\plugins folder .
If your server was running while you compiled and installed the plugin restart it or change the map and the plugin will work on the new value !

Web Mod Tutorial on CS 1.6 server

This plugin allows you to see and administrate, in some limits, your counter strike 1.6 server, using a web browser like Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
Download it here and copy the "w" folder in HLDS\cstrike\addons and edit it in metamod\plugins.ini :

win32 addons\w\dlls\w_mm.dll

Save and close, and if the server was started, restart.
To see your server o the browser, acces the page, where xx... is the server's ip, and “port” is its port, which is usually 27015 (if you haven't changed it). There you will be asked to log on and you use the RCON password (the one you write on the console when you start the server). Anyone can access this address, but only the ones who know the RCON password can administrate it.
For all the plugins here:
In order to see if the plugin works, if it is corectly installed, write "meta list" in the console! The ones that appear with RUN there, are ok.

HL Booster Tutorial on CS 1.6 server

Download here hl booster.rar , unzipp it (directly in addons or copy the booster folder in HLDS\cstrike\addons, (HLDS is the directory where you have the server), then edit in HLDS\cstrike\addons\metamod\plugins.ini, the line:win32 addons\hlbooster\dlls\booster_mm.dll. Very important!!!! In order to work, in the HLDS\cstrike\server.cfg you have to write the next line:
exec addons/hlbooster/hlbooster.cfg

HL Guard Tutorial on Counter Strike 1.6 server

HL Guard - how to make the HL Gurad to work

This is an anti-cheat system for Half-Life, with the following components:
a. detects aimbot
b. blocs the wallhack
c. detects the alias
d. makes the cvar's more powerfull
e. bans on name (nick)
f. incorporated Steamban system - for those with steam
g. guard system against Skywalk
1. The installation is made in metamod plugins.ini, so download HL Guard rar here , unzipp it, copy it in HLDS\cstrike\addons and then edit it in metamod plugins.ini :
win32 addons/hlguard/dlls/hlguard_mm.dll. You can also use hlguard_mm_optimized.dll, but this is used for the newer systems and the server might stop working.
2. Now you have to choose between the repeated stopping scanning message and the unique one, that is, if you want the message, that the scan has been compleated, to appear after every scan, or only after the first scan. To do so, you have to acces HLDS\cstrike\addons\hlguard\config where you open using the WordPad hlguard.cfg. Here you look for the line " Alias scanning completed mesage" where you have two options: "One Time mesages" and "Repeating mesages". To activate one of them you have to erase "//" in front of them.
3. Now you have to activate the hlguard menu
To do so, first enter HLDS\cstrike\addons\hlguard\config, then open hlg_menu.cfg using the WordPad. Look for the hlg_menupassword "" line, an enter a password between the "" (ex : hlg_menupassword"meseriasu" ). Save and close. If the server was started, restart or change th map. Now enter the game in the console hlg_menu meseriasu (without "", and meseriasu is the password from hlg_menu.cfg ). The menu will be shown on the screen.

4. Setting the agreeing declaration. First go to HLDS\cstrike\addons\hlguard\config\hlguard.cfg and erase the "//" in front of this line :

// hlg_exec addons/hlguard/config/hlg_agreement.cfg

Then enter HLDS\cstrike\addons\hlguard\config, and open hlg_agreement using WordPad. There you will find some lines that you can change. The first is "By playing on this server , you" and so on.You do not have to translate word by word, but you have to keep the lines. The last line is the most important. There you write "1. Accept 4.Refuz ". The player who will press the 4 key, refusing the scan, will be automatically kicked out. You will see what you can do with HL Guard entering in the on screen menu using the “hlg_menu password” command in the console.

Installing Admin Mod plugins

In order to install Admin Mod plugins, first thing to do is to check if you have all the folders in HLDS\cstrike\addons\adminmod, especially the “scriptings” folder.If the folder isn`t there you will have to copy it from the installation`s folder (the folder that you downloaded to install Admin Mod).In the installation`s directory are two more foldes you may copy in HLDS\cstrike\addons\adminmod: tools and docs.
Now download the plugins here, unzipp them and copy the sma files in HLDS\cstrike\addons\adminmod\scripting\myscripts. Then, double ckick on compile_all .The sma files will be compiled. Now open the HLDS\cstrike\addons\adminmod\scripting\mybinaries folder where you`ll find the amx files . Copy them to HLDS\cstrike\addons\adminmod\scripts . Last step to make is editing the plugins in Mergem in HLDS\cstrike\addons\adminmod\config\plugin.ini . To do that just add lines like this : linie addons/adminmod/scripts/plugin_name.amx ( example: for the plugin_matrix, add the line addons/adminmod/scripts/plugin_matrix.amx).If the server was working while you were installing the plugins, restart it or change the map. To check if the plugins are working properly type into console admin_version and a list of plugins will be displayed.

AmxModX plugin installation

.Installing plugins

The plugins are those who make your server work, and give you, as an admin, the ability to administrate it. Automatically the Amxmodx installer installed the base plugins ( admin commands, admin help, antiflood, stats, vote, nextmap ) .Besides those , you can add custom plugins , to help you administrateing the server, fun plugins or mods that will radically change the game ( csdm, wacraft, superhero).
The plugin has two components : sma - the script and amxx - the plugin itself.
In order to install a plugin you will have to do some steps :
1.Download the plugin (both of the components)
2.Copy the amxx file in HLDS\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\plugins
3.Edit the plugin in HLDS\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\configs\plugins.ini. This mean that you open plugins.ini and edit, under those who already are there, a line like this : plugin.amxx ( for example if you want to install admin_gag plugin, just add the line admin_gag.amxx ).
4.Optionally , you can copy the sma file in HLDS\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\scripting . If you want to modify the plugin just go to the sma file, open it , make the changes ( if you know exactly what you are doing) and then compile it and copy the amxx compiled file intoHLDS\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\plugins.
Now go to console and type amx_plugins and see if the plugins are working .If everything is all right it should display “ plugin” - running .
If the server was running when you installed the plugin restart it or change the map !!

7.Plugin`s compilation

In order to modify a plugin (for example the maxping of the highpingkicker) you will have to edit the modification in the sma file and then compile the sma. So, if you want to change the value of highpingkicker maxping , go to HLDS\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\scripting ( HLDS is the main directory of your server) and open the hpk.sma (or whatever the name it is) and edit maxping 150 or 200 or whatever , then save and close . Now you`ll have to compile it . How you do that… Drag and drop the sma file over the compile.exe icon ( the blue one - attention ! there are two blue icons, you will chose the one called “compile”) into the scripting folder . A black window will appear showing the derulation of the compiling process. When it`s done it will display “Compilation Done”. Now you will have to look into the “scripting” folder for a subfolder called “compiled”. Open it , and there you`ll find the compiled “.amxx” file of your plugin ( in our case the hpk.amxx) . This file you`ll have to copy into HLDS\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\plugins folder .
If your server was running while you compiled and installed the plugin restart it or change the map and the plugin will work on the new value !

Statsme tutorial

Statme is a plug-in, a system of plug-ins to be more specific, which presents the player statistics while playing, regarding the number of figures he has, who killed him at a certain moment, how much hp he still has, how much damage he did to the other players, how many flags in a row he did or how many times he died in a row and so on. Besides, statsme introduces different sound effects, welcome and good-bye messages, a lot of things that make the game more attractive. Statsme is easy to install, being a metamod plug-in, in metamod plugins.ini. It is very important to say that those who installed the server following the method presented in the "Dedicated server installation tutorial", do not need to install Statsme because the Server Creator installer has already done it for them. For those who want to install Statsme, the steps to take are:
Download here statsme.rar, and unzipp it anywhere on the disk. Copy the Statsme folder into HLDS\cstrike\addons (HLDS being the directory in which you have the server), and then open HLDS\cstrike\addons\metamod\plugins.ini where you write the next line:
win32 addons\statsme\dlls\statsme_mm.dll
After this step, all you have to do is make some configuration.

1.Go to HLDS\cstrike\addons\statsme and open statsme.cfg with Wordpad.In the line sm_menupassword modify r3wt with a password of your choice. Later when you`ll join the game , type in the console statsme_menu “your password” ( without the “” “” ) and the menu will appeare on screen.
2.To make the “say /rank” and “say/top10” work you need to go to statsme.cfg and change the sm_storebyauth 1 to 0 . This step will be passed if you are an steam id player and your clients are also steam id players.
3.Now go to HLDS\cstrike\addons\statsme and open scriptpacks.cfg with Wordpad . Here you have to modify all the lines . They look like this :
Make them look like this:
So, every “//” in front of the “ exec.addons” lines will be deleted !

Clan Mod tutorial on Counter Strike 1.6 dedicated server

1.Installing ClanMod Files

1.Download ClanMod.rar here.
2.Extract clanmod_mm.dll into the /addons/clanmod/dlls/ folder.
3.Extract the ClanMod config files and directories into the /addons/clanmod/ folder. This folder may need to be created if you don't have a previous version of ClanMod installed.
4.Open the file /addons/metamod/plugins.ini in a plain text editor such as Notepad. Avoid the use of rich text editors such as Wordpad and MS-Word. This file may need to be created if it doesn't already exist.
5.Add the following line to plugins.ini: win32 addons/clanmod/dlls/clanmod_mm.dll
6.Save the file and exit the text editor
Finalizing the Install
ClanMod is now installed and ready to run. To start ClanMod, stop and restart your hlds server. The ClanMod plugin should automatically load. You can also load and unload the plugin on every map change using the appropriate Metamod commands. (Type "meta help" in server console for more help) To ensure that the plugin is running, type "clanmod_version" in your hlds console.
To configure and customize ClanMod, edit the various configuration files found in /addons/clanmod. The first thing you need to do is define your admins. To do this, edit the file /addons/clanmod/cm_admins.cfg. There are many examples of how to do this included in the file. For complete details on how to define admins, see the ClanMod Manual section titled "Creating Admins". Once you have defined your admins, you will want to make use of ClanMod when you are in-game. For instructions on how to do this, see the sections "Logging In" and "On-Screen Menus" in both the ClanMod Manual and the ClanMod Adminstrator's Guide.

2.Creating Admins

Admin accounts are defined in the file cm_admin.cfg using the cm_admin command. The syntax for cm_admin is:
cm_admin "" "" "" ["name"]
Make sure that you use quotes if your name or password contain spaces. The list of available levels and flags are:
A Access to the Slap Menu
B Access to the Ban Menu - Temporary Time Bans
C Ability to send coloured Admin Chat messages (set by cvar cm_chatflag)
D Access to the Cancel Vote Menu
E Access to the Client-Commands Menu
J Access to clanmodmenu2
K Access to the Kick Menu
M Access to the Changelevel Menu
O Operator level
P Access to the Ban Menu - Permanent Ban
Q Access to the "Exit", "More" and "Back..." positions in ClanMod Menu
R Access to the Record Demo Menu and the Snapshot Menu
S Access to the Settings Menu
T Access to the Teleport Menu
U Access to the Unban Menu
V Access to the Votemap and Votekick Menus. Ability to close vote session
W Access to Play Sounds with Say and Menu
X Custom level (for Custom and Client Commands)
Y Custom level (for Custom and Client Commands)
Z Custom level (for Custom and Client Commands)

b Kicks player no matter what password is given (used for unwanted names)
f Give level and flags to the player, but don't mark him as an admin
k Admin can not be kicked
l Do not logout if name or password has changed
o Operator, can kick everyone
r Has a reservation in the server's freeslots
s Kick the player if a bad password was given
Admin account exaple :
Example: If you have an admin with the nick "Boss|George" and the password "mypass" who you want to be able to use the Votemap Menu, the Kick Menu, and also to be able to send coloured messages, then the admin levels would be V, K, and C. If you also want this admin to be able to kick others admins, have a reserved slot on server, and be immune to kick from other admins, then you would add the o, r, and k flags. The command for creating this account would then be:
cm_admin "Boss|George" "mypass" "VKCork"

3.Logging In

To log into the game as an admin, you must add a setinfo line to your Half-Life//config.cfg file on your client. The syntax for the setinfo line is:
setinfo "" ""
By default, the variable is "_cm_pw". Using the admin example above, the admin Boss|George has the password "mypass". Therefore, that admin's setinfo line would be:
setinfo "_cm_pw" "mypass"

4.On-Screen Menus

For effective usage, bind an available key to the ClanMod menu. You can bind any key or mouse button that you prefer. For example, to make it such that the letter "o" opens your "op" menu, type the following in your client console:
bind "o" "clanmodmenu"
Now, whenever you hit "o" in the game, the menu will appear showing the available ClanMod options. If you hit "o" again, the menu will disappear. To navigate the menus, simply press the appropriate number key. All menu items are numbered.
There main menu has two pages. Although the second page is accessible from the first, it can also be quite handy to bind a key directly to that menu as well. The command to go directly to the second menu is "clanmodmenu2". So, for example, to bind it to key "p", you simply type the following into your client console:
bind "p" "clanmodmenu2".

Admin Mod - installation configuration, adding admins, adding plugins,commands

Adminmod installation

Download here the halflife-admin-2.50.60-win.rar and extract it anywhere on disk . You`ll have a new directory called Adminmod. Open it and doubleclick on install_admin.vbs. Hit OK and then it will ask you where to install. Type in the lower case the full path to HLDS directory ( the main directory of your server -
ex: C:\HLDS\hlds.exe).Then the installer will ask you wich MOD you want to be installed for.There you will choose 1 for counter strike.
Very important ! After the installation is done, go to HLDS\cstrike\addons\adminmod\config\plugin.ini and look for the line :
# addons/adminmod/scripts/plugin_CS. Then delet the # sign in front of the line !

Minimal configuration for AdminMod

Go to HLDS\cstrike\addons\adminmod\config and open adminmod.cfg with wordpad. There you have some lines that needs to be configured :
admin_balance_teams - set it to 0
admin_bot_protection - if you set this to 0 and you run a bot server, this cvar lets you as an admin to kick/slay/slap bots.
admin_connect_msg - this is the message that will display to your clients after connection ; set this to whatever you wish.
admin_cs_restrict - you must set this cvar to1, so you can restrict weapons
admin_debug - let this one as it is,0
admin_fun_mode - this turns the fun mode on/of . You can set it as you like - 0 is off and 1 is on
admin_fx - this must be set to 1
admin_gag_name - lets you gag players ; 0-off, 1-on
admin_gag_sayteam - same thing
admin_highlander - this should be set to 0. If you set this cvar to 1 only the admin with the highest level will be active on the server, the others turning into simple slots.
admin_ignore_immunity - if this cvar is set to 1 the immune players (admins) can be kicked/slayed/banned .
admin_repeat_msg - this is a message that appears on screen during the game.
admin_quiet - sets the way commands will be displayed on screen : 0 - with the admin`s name, 1- without the admin`s name, 2- won`t be shown at all.
allow_client_exec - must be set to 1 ! This will force players execute your commands.
password_field - this is the variable the admins will have to console type before connecting to your server . Ex : if you set this to “_pw” the setinfo will be - setinfo_pw adminpassword .
reserve_slots - the amount of reserved slots ( set this one 2 or 3 …wathever)
Other cvars can be changed only if you know well what you`re doing !

Adding admins

Open HLDS\cstrike\addons\adminmod\config\users.ini with wordpad . Add a line like this :
Nick:password:131071 ( 131071 is the highest admin level ) . If you want to add an admin with lower access level go to adminmod manual (you`ll find it in the installation folder - Adminmod\docs) and look for Admin Mod Reference\Acces levels. Choose the levels you wish and then press Calculate Access Right. Type the number displayed in users.ini admin line .
Attention ! If you try to connect to the server as an admin with setinfo_pw “your password” , and the commands doesn`t work, console type admin_password “your password”.

Installing Admin Mod plugins

In order to install Admin Mod plugins, first thing to do is to check if you have all the folders in HLDS\cstrike\addons\adminmod, especially the “scriptings” folder.If the folder isn`t there you will have to copy it from the installation`s folder (the folder that you downloaded to install Admin Mod).In the installation`s directory are two more foldes you may copy in HLDS\cstrike\addons\adminmod: tools and docs.
Now download the plugins here, unzipp them and copy the sma files in HLDS\cstrike\addons\adminmod\scripting\myscripts. Then, double ckick on compile_all .The sma files will be compiled. Now open the HLDS\cstrike\addons\adminmod\scripting\mybinaries folder where you`ll find the amx files . Copy them to HLDS\cstrike\addons\adminmod\scripts . Last step to make is editing the plugins in Mergem in HLDS\cstrike\addons\adminmod\config\plugin.ini . To do that just add lines like this : linie addons/adminmod/scripts/plugin_name.amx ( example: for the plugin_matrix, add the line addons/adminmod/scripts/plugin_matrix.amx).If the server was working while you were installing the plugins, restart it or change the map. To check if the plugins are working properly type into console admin_version and a list of plugins will be displayed.

AmxMod X Tutorial on Counter Strike 1.6 dedicated server

  1. Automatic installation tutorial

  2. Installing cstrike module tutorial

  3. Manual installation tutorial

  4. Configuring admins tutorial

  5. Configuring amxx.cfg tutorial

  6. Plugins installation tutorial

  7. Plugins compilation

1. Automatic installatin tutorial

Download here the AmxMod X installer and unzipp it anywhere on disk . Doubleclick on it , “ I accept the terms”, next … There you are on the selection window . Let the default installation path ( C:\Program Files\AmxModX) selected, next,then Install. Now the installation is ready to begin.Click Finish , with the “Run AmxmodX installation” case selected. Next , “I accept the terms” next . Now you have to select the directory path to install amxmodx . Here you choose the fourth case, wich is “select mod directory” and hit Next .The next step is to select the HLDS\cstrike folder ( HLDS is the main directory of your server), down at the "Custom game addone" chose Counter-Strike and press OK .

Warnning! If the installer will detect another installation of the AmxMod X it will ask you if you want to continue. You have three options :
1.Click yes - all the old configurations will be erased ( admins , installed plugins…)
2.Click no - all the binary files will be upgraded without deleteing the old configurations
3.Click cancel to cancel
I repeat ! This will happen only if the installer will detect another installation of the amxmodx. I there is no old installation the installer will do its job and you just have to press Finish.

2. Cstrike module installation

This is the next faze of the amxmodx installation and it is very important . CStrike module installation will be made manually.
Download here the cstrike module and unzip it anywhere on disk. Open then the amxmodx 1.8.0-cstrike\addons\amxmodx folder. There you have five subfolders : configs, plugins,scripting,modules,data . Copy the files inside each subfolder in the folders with the same name in HLDS\cstrike\addons\amxmodx ( HLDS is the main directory of your server) .Example: files from amxmodx1.8.0-cstrike\addons\amxmodx\configs will go to HLDS\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\configs folder , etc… You `ll be asked if you want to overwrite the existing files and you shall send OK .
Attention! Copy the files inside the subfolders , not the folders themselves !
Now you have installed the AmxModX with the CStrike module on your server . To see if it works properly go to console and type “meta list” . The result should be Amxmodx - RUN .

3.Manual installation of AmxModX

This installation is a bit complicated and I don`t recomand it to beginners . For those who want headaches we`ll make a breef presentation.
a.Go to www. and download the base package for Windows
b.Unzipp it in HLDS\cstrike\addons
c.Go back to and download the addons of your choice.
d. Unzipp it in HLDS|cstrike\addons
e.Add this line in HLDS\cstrike\addons\metamod\plugins.ini
win32 addons\amxmodx\dlls\amxmodx_mm.dll
To see if it works go to console and type “meta list” . The display should be Amxmodx - RUN.

4.Configuring admins

In order to be in control of your server you have to configure the admin.
Open the HLDS\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\configs\users.ini with wordpad ( HLDS is the main directory of your server) . Scroll down the page and you`ll find a line looking like this :
“loopback” “” “abcdefghijklmnopqrstu" "de". You have to edit this line .If you want an ip admin replace “loopback” with the ip and the put the flag “d”, as you see in the image :
If you want a nick admin replace “loopback” with the nick and the flag should be set to “e”.
Admin account levels and flags :
; Access flags:
; a - immunity (can't be kicked/baned/slayed/slaped and affected by other commmands)
; b - reservation (can join on reserved slots)
; c - amx_kick command
; d - amx_ban and amx_unban commands
; e - amx_slay and amx_slap commands
; f - amx_map command
; g - amx_cvar command (not all cvars will be available)
; h - amx_cfg command
; i - amx_chat and other chat commands
; j - amx_vote and other vote commands
; k - access to sv_password cvar (by amx_cvar command)
; l - access to amx_rcon command and rcon_password cvar (by amx_cvar command)
; m - custom level A (for additional plugins)
; n - custom level B
; o - custom level C
; p - custom level D
; q - custom level E
; r - custom level F
; s - custom level G
; t - custom level H
; u - menu access
; z - user (no admin)

Account flags:
; a - disconnect player on invalid password
; b - clan tag
; c - this is steamid/wonid
; d - this is ip
; e - password is not checked (only name/ip/steamid needed)
Admin account examples :
; Format of admin account:
; Examples of admin accounts:
; "STEAM_0:0:123456" "" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu" "ce"
; "" "" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu" "de"
; "My Name" "my_password" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu" "a"
Atention !You don`t have to set all the acces levels to every admin !
If you want to see the commands you have acces to, join the game and console type amx_help . The first 10 commands will show . Next, type amx_help 11 , amx_help 21 , etc..

Seting up the admin password

The line should look like this :
"Name" "password" "abcde….." "a" . As you see the account flag changed to “a” .Your admins will have to console type setinfo_pw password , before they connect to your server .

How to patch the server for Non Steam users 47 and 48 protocol

n order to patch the server do these steps:
1. Download the CS 1.6 Non Steam 47+48 protocol patcher and unzzip it . Copy the files to your main directory (where hlds.exe is).
2. Open cstrike\server.cfg and add these lines:
Don`t forget to set the sv_lan 0 in server.cfg.

Counter Strike 1.6 dedicated server installation on Windows XP tutorial

In order to install a Counter Strike 1. 6 dedicated server, you need :
a.Windows XP, processor 1000 ghz, memory 256 ram
b. Connexion to internet
c. 300 - 400 MB free space on disk
You shall have to follow a few steps :
1. Connect to the internet
2. Download here the CS 1.6 Server Creator installer and unzipp it anywhere on disk.
3. Create an new directory on your disk and name it HLDS . It can be named anyhow but we shall use HLDS because it`s classic .
4. Now doubleclick on installer.exe and when the selection window appeares you select the new directory HLDS . Hit OK and wait a few moments . A blue window will appear on screen displaying the scroll of the installation . At this point the installer downloads and installs all the server`s components in your HLDS directory. It can take some time to do it, depending on the internet connection , so have a little pacience .When the installer finishes his work , check out the HLDS directory and see if it has approximativly 315 MB .If it has , then everything it`s ok and if it hasn`t 315 MB you`ll have to repeat this step .Open the HLDS directory ; it should look like this :
Now open the cstrike folder , that should look like this :
5. Next step is to set the server up for accepting non steam clients . In order to do that download you can use one ofe these methods:
  • 5.1 Rcommended - Use Dual protocol method (47+48). Download Dproto (latest version), double click it and choose as installation folder, the main directory of your server (HLDS). Then go to HLDS\cstrike\addons\metamod, open plugins.ini and edit this line there:
  • 5.2 The old swds.dll No Stream patcher. Download it fron this link . Double click the exe and chose as installation folder, the main directory of your server (HLDS).
If you want a Stem Only dedicated server, just skip this step !

6. Next step is to configure te server.cfg in order to make your server work on the internet . Go to HLDS\cstrike folder and open server.cfg with Wordpad or Notepad. Deleeverithing and paste this:
Edit your server name and any other cvar you like (only if you know what you are doing). Save the file and exit.

7. Add these lines in server.cfg . They will make your server visible in game`s Internet list of servers.
8. No go to HLDS\cstrike\liblist.gam , open it with Notepad or Wordpad and add this line:
9. In order to turn the server on, create a shortcut of hlds.exe file on your desktop and double click it. Edit the Server Name and chose your map, port and RCON Password and click Start Server. The hlds.exe file is located inside your main directory (HLDS).
The installer automatically installed Amx Mod X 1.8.1 on your server. Amx Mod X helps you to administrate your server ( change maps, set up cvars, kick players) and shows the game statistics .
To see if it runs properly go to the server console and type meta list . If the message recived is:
..then everything it`s OK.
This is pritty much it. Have Fun !

Download Counter Strike 1.6 Modren Warfare 2

Download Counter Strike 1.6 Modren Warfare 2

As the name says, in this Counter Strike 1.6 version we tried to bring some of the MW2 look and gameplay into CS 1.6. This is not justa reskinned CS 1.6, the changes made to the game are significant.

Weapon skinns and models are made to look like those in Modern Warfare 2, player models, even some animations, too. We changed the sounds and some controls to make it feel like MW2 gameplay.

This CS 1.6 MW2 version is playable online, on any server you like, but you can play on a LAN server (with or without bots) started ingame from Create Server, if you like.

The mod was made by an international team, and adapted for online gameplaye and packed by us.
Installer size: 758 MB
Installed game size: 1.4 GB
Warning! If you recive an error at w_c4.mdl when trying to connect to online servers, download and install CS 1.6 MW2 Update 1.1 C4 Fix. Without this one you won`t be able to connect to some of these servers. Double click the exe and chose as installation folder, the game`s main directory (Counter Strike 1.6 Modern Warfare 2).
Download CS 1.6 MW2 Update 1.1 C4 Fix
Size: 300 KB

Some instructions for Counter Strike 1.6 Modern Warfare 2

1. Specific key bindings
- E - quick slash (press and hold down the key for fasn knife hit)
- F - quick flash throw (press and hold down the key ; you have to buy the flashbang first)
- Mouse 3 - quick he throw (press and hold down the key ; you have to buy the he grenade first)
- C - flashlight
- V - Use Item
2. If you want to change the specific binds, go to cstrike\userconfig.cfg (lines 71,76,81).
To disable those bindings just comment the lines (put // in front of them), and then bind whatever key you want ingame (Options -> Keyboard).

3. You can start a LAN listenserver from Create Server, and add bots.

4. You can enable/disable some plugins for listensever in

5. Thew game`s default instalation is on 1024x768 resolution. If you use a wide screen desktop you can change the backround, game menu, to fit to your resolution.
Go to Counter Strike 1.6 Modern Warfare 2\cstrike and delete or rename the resource folder. Rename resource_wide folder to resource, then in game chose the 1280X720 resolution.

Mani Admin Plugin for Counter Strike Source dedicated server

1. Features

Mani admin plugin is an administration plugin for Counter Strike Source servers. It has many features most of them set in one cfg file calledmani_server.cfg :
  • manage adverts
  • manage tem killing
  • manage player and weapon stats
  • manage reserverd slots
  • manage high ping kicker
  • manage admin messages
  • chat flooding control
  • auto team balance
  • voting functionality

  • and many others..

2. Installing Mani admin plugin

In order to install this administration plugin, download the Mani admin pluginn installer and unzipp it anywhere on disk.
Run the installer and select as installation directory, the main folder of your server (if you have installed the server using our tutorial, the main folder should be called SRCDS )
The installer will set the plugin up for your server. Then go to SRCDS\cstrike\addons\metamod and open metaplugins.ini using Wordpad or Notepad. Add there this line:

3. Configuring Mani admin plugin

The core file of the plugin is called mani_server.cfg and you can find it in SRCDS\cstrike\cfg . This file is used to turn on/off functionality and to also config options within the plugin. By default the main functions are turned off. For the most part the on/off switch is usually the first cvar under each module (i.e mani_adverts, mani_stats, etc).
In order for this config to be used by the plugin an exec command must be placed in the server.cfg file within the SRCDS\cstrike\cfg folder. Add there a line like this : exec mani_server.cfg
Now you can open the mani_server.cfg and configure it as you like.

3. Adding admins in Mani admin plugin

In order to add admins you will have to create a text file in SRCDS\cstrike\cfg\mani_admin_plugin and save it as adminlist.txt . Then copy these lines into it:
You have there all the instructions you need.